(For 3 Months)
The IBS Care package will be recommended by the doctor based on the inputs after the mandatory primary holistic health consultation. The package includes acupuncture sessions, yoga therapy sessions, one detailed diet & nutrition plan consultation, information on home remedies, reflexology & counseling.
Acupuncture: 28 Yoga Therapy: 07 Diet Consultation: 02 Reflexology: 02 Counseling: 01
Duration/ Session : 60-90 Min

Food is the offering to our body that builds and nourishes it. When there is a problem with food or our digestive system, our body begins to deteriorate.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one such digestive issue characterized typically by loose stools followed by fatigue which can accompany or alternate with episodes of constipation, bloated abdomen and gastric irritation.

People suffering with IBS are very sensitive to variety of foods as certain foods start to irritate their digestive functioning leading to malabsorption of vital nutrients.

They have symptoms like pain abdomen, burning sensation in epi-gastric region and overall disinterest towards eating. These symptoms are not only uncomfortable to the body but also dampens the mental energy and vigor, leading to loss in our QOL (Quality of Life).

Stress and emotional ill-health along with bad food choices are considered to be the root cause of IBS.

Acupuncture has been giving promising results in management of IBS and works great when integrated with Yoga therapy and dietary management