5 ways in which Acupressure can help relieve Stress
Stress Management | May 01, 2021

Each one of us, go through various degrees of stress in our lives and on the way, we find multiple ways to effectively manage the same. One of the therapies that help manage stress effectively is Acupressure therapy.

What is Acupressure?

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Acupressure is an ancient therapy that is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, same as Acupuncture therapy. With Acupressure, pressure is applied on specific areas or energy points or acupoints on the body. According to this science our body has numerous energy channels corresponding to different organ systems. This vital energy flow, called Qi (pronounced as ‘Chi’) or Prana when balanced and harmonized, these organs systems function effectively and health resides. Any imbalance, deficiency, excess or stagnation in the flow of the energy due to stress, unhealthy lifestyle and irregular food habits eventually leads to ill health.

When stress of any kind is not managed properly, it affects the mind as well the body and therefore the energy that flow in them. Anxiety, Depression, fear, mood fluctuations, irritation, anger etc. are not just the causes of the disturbance in the energy flow but also the symptoms of the same. Stress percolates into the body and alters the physiology and thereby disturbs the homeostasis.

Acupressure, in such cases is not just effective but also very quick in the way it impacts the body and the mind.

The 5 most important ways are explained by 5 ‘R’s:


When pressure is applied to different acupoints, the energy flow is regulated and harmonized. Imbalances in the energy flow is corrected. This results in homeostasis of the body and the mind.


Acupressure instantly relaxes the body off stiffness and tension; the mind off the stress and worry. It helps in releasing natural endorphins or the happy hormones of the body, thereby aides de-burdening of the body and mind.


Stress causes muscular stiffness resulting in body aches and pains. It also results in energy knots and stagnation. Acupressure releases the energy knots and stagnation which is a common manifestation of suppressed or repressed emotions. It also releases the muscular stiffness and nodules that is caused due to postural reasons.


Stress is one of the major causes of constant low-grade inflammation in the body. More the inflammation, more damage to the tissues and organs.  Acupressure reduces the low-grade inflammation, improves circulation and enhances the repair mechanism of the body.


Stress drains the physical and mental energy. It results eventually in a state of deficiency resulting in physical fatigue and mental lethargy. Pressure over Acupoints stimulate the energy and re-energize the deficient energy channels. Thus, with acupressure one feels fresh and rejuvenated.

Some of the important Acupoints for stress management are:

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Dr. Deepashree S, BNYS, MSCCFT, Consultant, Anandamaya Wellness Center