Acupuncture for Period Cramps
Acupuncture | Jun 01, 2021

Oh! The days are here that begin with pain

It bleeds; You scream to block the brain

Alas, the plans go in vain

To get sun kissed or drenched in rain!


Is it a curse that make you weak?

Or a boon that makes you unique?

No, it’s the way that your organs speak

The solace that they ever seek!


Yes, they whispered and were unheard

They talked and you called it absurd

Now they scream, difficult to be ignored

The tears that fill, keep your eyes blurred


To suppress the pain is a myth

It’s time to comfort thyself with health

and to treasure it as one’s only wealth

and to surrender to it with faith

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Period cramps (Dysmenorrhea) is unfortunately what most of the women suffer through every month. She screams, rolls on the floor, vomits, cries and forces herself to fall asleep. Yet agony is what she feels. Why is there pain in the process that is supposed to be natural and why are those days filled with discomfort if when they have to be as similar as any other day should be?

What Are Period Cramps?

Period cramps or dysmenorrhea is an abnormal uterine contraction during menstruation which are either primary or secondary to any pelvic disorder that causes intense pain in the lower abdomen and pelvis. It is usually associated with heavy flow, passing of clots, nausea and or vomiting. Some women also go through back and leg pain, headache, mood swings and dizziness.

Description: How to Treat Dysmenorrhea? | Healthsoul

Pain, in any form is a way through which our body is trying to communicate to us the disharmony that is going on in there. Pain indicates inflammation. Inflammation especially a systemic inflammation like in Dysmenorrhea requires a multimodal management approach because the root cause of this inflammation is irregular lifestyle. Lifestyle includes food, sleep, daily routine, physical activity and functioning of the mind. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle is very important and becomes primary for the management of Dysmenorrhea.

How does Acupuncture help in management of Dysmenorrhea?

Dysmenorrhea is a condition of energy stagnation, an understanding based on TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) principles & philosophy. Energy stagnation could be because of physical inactivity or psychological issues with or without unhealthy food habits. A stagnant energy promotes inflammation. Acupuncture therapy brings about energy balance. If there is a stagnant energy, that requires balanced movement of the energy.

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When Acupuncture therapy is done, it balances the energy flow. With balanced energy flow, the blood circulation improves, inflammation comes down and therefore it eases the uterine contraction, brings down the pain, reduces the clots, regulates the menstruation.

If cramps are due to other pelvic disorders like PCOS, endometriosis, adenomyosis, Acupuncture is effective in managing them by bringing about hormonal balance, and energy regulation.  

Is it safe to undergo Acupuncture therapy during periods?

Acupuncture is very much safe to undergo during menstruation. It aids the flow and clears the uterus and prepares it for the next cycle. Acupuncture regulates the flow. Therefore, for somebody who has less bleeding or more of clots, it improves the flow and for someone with excess flow, acupuncture regulates it. Along with that, acupuncture is effective in reducing the symptoms associated like pain, nausea, fatigue and mood fluctuations during periods.

Which acupuncture points does relieve the period pains?

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Point selection for management of dysmenorrhea depends on the cause and presentation along with the severity of the issue. Upon diagnosis through clinical consultation and tongue observation, the doctor will be able to select the appropriate acupuncture points to be treated.

To sum up, dysmenorrhea is an inflammatory condition due to energy stagnation. One should focus on enhancing the health by natural healing solutions rather than just pain management. Along with lifestyle modification, acupuncture therapy when done hastens the process of healing, enhances the health by harmonizing the energy flow in the body and the mind.

Dr Deepashree S, BNYS, (MSCCFT), Consultant, Anandamaya Wellness Center