(For 3 Months)
The Pre-pregnancy package will be recommended by the doctor based on the inputs after the mandatory primary holistic health consultation. The package includes acupuncture sessions, yoga therapy sessions, one detailed diet & nutrition plan consultation, information on home remedies, reflexology & counseling.
Acupuncture: 28 Yoga Therapy: 12 Diet Consultation: 01 Reflexology: 02 Counseling: 01
Duration/ Session : 60-90 Min

Preparing one to enter into pregnancy is equally important as pregnancy itself. To have a comfortable, uneventful and an elated experience of pregnancy, it is important that one is fit and healthy both physically & mentally free from anxiety and / or depression.

With raise in increased number of cases with hormonal imbalances leading to Menstrual discomforts, PCOS, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism & other lifestyle disorders, cases of infertility & complex pregnancies are also increasing. In such a situation, it is the need of the hour that the pre-pregnancy morbidities if prone to or suffering from are treated & managed holistically and one is prepared for a healthy pregnancy.

Lifestyle modification integrated with natural healing holistic therapies like Acupuncture and Yoga have given promising results in the management of these conditions and comfortable journey towards pregnancy.


  • Enhance Physical & Mental Health to ensure safe journey towards pregnancy.
  • Prevention & Management of menstrual irregularities like delayed periods, pain & weakness during periods, excessive bleeding and clots during periods, etc.
  • PCOD Prevention and management.
  • Prevention & Management of other health issues like lower back pain & weakness.