Natural Healing Solutions | Mar 01, 2022
(Disease of modern-day evolution against nature)

Fertility is a very natural instinct of any species including plants, animals and humans as well. To continue our progeny is very essential for the fabric of nature and life to remain intact which in turn shall lead every species to reach its life’s purpose.

These days, we get to hear around us several species of animals, plants are becoming extinct including the rates of fertility falling drastically in humans as well!! What could be the reason for the same?

In my opinion, humans are the only species who can think and act. But, unfortunately the thinking of humans itself has become the cause of this infertility as we are going against the nature’s principles, isn’t it? This is also leading to see the extinction of several species of plants and animals as well!!

To be fertile optimally in any species is like the soil which needs to be fertile for the seed to manifest to its true potential, right? But, when the soil is adulterated with chemicals, polluted or not nourished organically, the soil cannot go on nourishing the seed to manifest it’s potential, isn’t it? So is the case with humans as well.

In my opinion, if the fertility of humans has to remain intact & flourish; we need to return to nature and bring the environment around us also to its original self.

Even though the above-mentioned solution is much needed to be addressed in the background, we can still have several means to address the issues of infertility both male & female through several holistic healing therapies including

  • Naturopathy
  • Acupuncture therapy
  • Yoga therapy
  • Holistic Diet & Nutrition


The basic principle of Naturopathy is “Return to Nature’s principles”. It advocates that going against nature, accumulation of morbid matter (toxins), abnormal composition of blood & lymph to be the causes for all kinds of diseases including communicable and non-communicable diseases.

The mantra to come out of this is to

  • Follow nature’s principles and bring about our lifestyle in tune with nature
  • Detoxify yourself on a regular basis through scientific fasting to get rid of morbid matter (toxins)
  • Rectify the abnormal composition of blood & lymph through a right & holistic method of diet & nutrition, manage stress effectively, have an active lifestyle through suitable exercise regime and positive emotional approach to our day-to-day demands of life.

Acupuncture Therapy

Acupuncture therapy based on TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) concepts has been proven beyond doubt to be effective in improving one’s fertility, either male or female by bringing about a balance in our Qi or Prana which shall improve the functioning of the reproductive organs and bring about a normal fertility rate.

The mechanism of action of Acupuncture therapy in female infertility are as follows

  • Regularize the menstrual cycles.
  • De-stress and normalize the hormonal functioning.
  • Improve the blood flow to the reproductive organs including ovaries & uterus.
  • Improve the ovarian reserve and endometrial thickness.
  • Help to those who are seeking IVF treatment by improving the factors of fertility including the implantation rates.
  • Helps to improve the quality of ovum (egg).
  • Addresses the pathological conditions including dysmenorrhea, PCOS, endometriosis and several others by the above effects.

The mechanism of action of Acupuncture therapy in male infertility are as follows

  • Improve the testicular functioning by normalizing the blood perfusion to the testicles.
  • De-stress oneself and helps to improve the hormonal functioning.
  • Helps with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and early stages of varicocele.
  • Improve the sperm counts, morphology and reduce the DNA fragmentation as well.

Yoga Therapy

Yoga is a holistic exercise regime and its uniqueness is in addressing the practitioner holistically.

I shall not be wrong to mention that it is the only tool which addresses all aspect of human being including physical, energetic (prana), emotions, mind and intellect.

The mechanism of action of Yoga therapy in both male & female infertility are as follows

  • De-stress & energize the physical body through Asana practice.
  • Normalize the flow of Prana (Qi) by the practice of specialized breathing techniques, Pranayamas.
  • Relaxation techniques, Shavasana, Yoga Nidra and other advanced practices help to bring about emotional balance and mind control which many a time is the cause for male infertility.
  • Meditation shall bring about a right application of our intellect for right living for self & society at large.
  • And when all the above are practiced consistently and mindfully, shall lead us to a state of complete happiness & contented life – a state of ANANDAMAYA.

Holistic Diet & Nutrition

Diet & nutrition is the most important cog in the wheel of Natural lifestyle.  The natural lifestyle is the one which leads us to optimal fertility.

The important aspects of holistic diet & nutrition are

  • Mindful eating.
  • Organic food intake practices.
  • Regularizing our food intake timings and in tune with nature’s cycle.
  • Regular fasting and detoxification.
  • Geographical eating.
  • Adequate fluid intake.
  • Balancing all kinds of tastes in the food.

The above practices shall bring about an optimal digestion, absorption, assimilation and there by leading to balanced nourishment & optimal fertility.

A holistic approach of the above practices shall certainly lead us to optimal health which shall fulfill our goal of life and thereby the natural instinct of fertility shall also be fulfilled.

Dr. Gurudatta H K, BNYS, FCRSW, Founder, Anandamaya Wellness Center

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