Acupuncture (TCM) | Aug 08, 2022
Vertigo is a sensation of dizziness, spinning of head either feeling within the head or the surrounding objects and environment is spinning all around us!.
The problem of vertigo is gradually increasing in the human population due to various reasons including our lifestyles which indirectly contribute to the symptoms of vertigo.

Let’s try and understand Vertigo in much more detail as below
What are the common symptoms of Vertigo?
- Spinning / Dizziness – usually triggered by change of posture or position
- Swaying sensation
- Imbalance feeling while the movement is on
- Sensation of tilting to one side
It is also generally associated with
- Nausea – feeling of vomiting sensation
- Vomiting – in severe conditions
- Headaches – Occasionally
- Hearing loss or Ringing in the ears
What are the probable causes for Vertigo in terms of modern medical science?
- Inner ear diseases including vestibulitis, Vestibular neuritis are the most common causes
- Meniere’s disease
- Migraine headaches
- Head & neck injuries
- Stroke or Tumors in the brain are one of the rare causes of vertigo
How do we understand Vertigo in terms of Acupuncture therapy?
TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) understands health as a state of balance in the flow of Qi (energy) or Prana in all the meridians (imaginary pathways for the flow of Qi). An imbalance in the flow of Qi, either being deficient or excess or stagnant shall lead to disease.

Vertigo or Dizziness, according to TCM is due to the following probable causes
- Mild dizziness or vertigo is due to deficiency of Qi or Qi not being able to reach the head and nourish the tissues and organs.
- Severe vertigo or dizziness associated with nausea is due to the pathogenic factors of excessive wind, excessive fire or phlegm obstructing the flow the Qi in the meridians of the head and neck.
- The imbalance in the flow of Qi is directly linked to our bad lifestyle practices including improper timings of food intake, excessive stresses, bad sleeping habits, heightened emotions, long hours of works (leading to deficiency of Qi), lack of exercise & excessive amount of sitting / inactivity (leading to stagnation of Qi).
What is acupuncture therapy & how does it help manage Vertigo/dizziness?

- Acupuncture therapy involves insertion of very fine filiform needles on the acu-points located on each meridian to bring about a balance in the flow of Qi.
- As discussed above, by inserting the acupuncture needles the balance in the flow of Qi is restored either by clearing the obstruction due to pathogenic factors or by boosting the flow of Qi in the respective meridians in case of deficient flow of Qi, leading to resolving of the symptoms of dizziness / vertigo.
- It is also noticed through several scientific research studies, that Acupuncture therapy helps to balance several neuro-transmitters which shall bring about a state of deep relaxation, de-stress ourselves, improve the quality of sleep and also reduce the inflammatory markers which shall all contribute towards the indirect causes of Vertigo.
We have noticed several cases of Vertigo when addressed in early stages, can be effectively handled with Acupuncture therapy to its complete resolution. It is advised to avail the acupuncture services from a qualified, registered and experienced practitioner for effective resolution of vertigo / dizziness.
Another most important aspect for a patient to understand is that, a complete open mind, faith and being regular with acupuncture therapy sessions as advised by the practitioner goes a long way in finding the effective resolution of the symptoms of vertigo.
Dr. Gurudatta H K, BNYS, FCRSW - Founder, Anandamaya Wellness Center