Role of yoga in mental health
Yoga | May 01, 2022

Out of the many topics that are in trend today, Mental health and Yoga individually and in integration are of paramount importance. Let me remind you here that we are talking about mental ‘health’ and not about mental disorders as mental health is more than just the absence of mental disorders. Mental ‘health’ when focused upon and taken care of, can resiliently prevent and / or fight the possible mental disorders that a person is at risk of developing.

Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.

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To simplify, it is about how one thinks, feels and acts. So, the prerequisite for all the three is a state of equanimity and harmony. This harmony should be at physical level, psychological level and spiritual level, as changes in the body affect the mind and fluctuations in the mind not only percolates to the body but in-turn worsens the normal mental activity.

Yoga is one such practice that helps us to develop and be in that state of harmony.

Samatvam yoga uchyate’- Yoga is a balanced state

~ Bhagavad Gita

So, how does yoga bring in state of harmony?!

It does so by enhancing awareness of an individual at physical, psychological, social and spiritual levels. With awareness, the cognitive functions enhance, the emotions are under balance and the ability to respond rather than uncontrollably react, is developed.

Physically, yoga helps you to keep up your energy and vigour. Yoga enhances the organ functions and regulates the vitals. Like the saying goes, a healthy mind in a healthy body, yoga practice makes sure that your body positively affects the mind.  

It is proven beyond doubt through various research studies and with experience that psychologically, yoga helps to organize and calm down your mind. The brain wave that is active during the practice of yoga activates self-healing mechanisms and prevents various ailments of the body and the mind. With an organised healthy mind, cognitive functions are better, emotions are well handled and thought process balanced.

‘Manah Prashamopaya yoga ityabidhiyate’- Yoga is tool to calm down the mind

~Yoga Vasista

The deep knowledge of yoga is also an answer to various spiritual questions that arise in the journey of life and at the same time, spiritual health and mental health mirror each other.

Yoga is very effective in managing mental disorders through psycho-neuro-immune mechanisms and others hypothalamo-pitutary-end organ regulatory mechanisms. But we are talking about health and not disease management. Therefore, Yoga helps us to ‘logically’ think rather than being prejudiced, detachedly feel rather than being bound with emotions and skilfully act rather than being incompetent and these are the characteristics of a healthy mind.

Dr. Deepashree S, BNYS, (MSCCFT) - Consultant, Anandamaya Wellness Center