Acupuncture for Knee Pain
Acupuncture | Sep 01, 2021

Knee joints are one of the largest and complex joints in the body that play an active role in gait, movements using the lower limbs and in weight bearing. Comprising of bones, ligaments, bursa, vessels and nerves, these joints not just work with high responsibility but also with higher risk of injury.    

Description: Knee Joint Photograph by Asklepios Medical Atlas

Knee pain is one of the most prevalent issues faced by both women and men and the risk increases with age. Some of the conditions that present with knee pain are:

  • Degenerative Osteo-arthritis of the knee as a result of wear and tear
  • Inflammatory arthritis of the knee
  • Rheumatoid arthritis of the knee
  • Chondromalacia Patella
  • Septic arthritis
  • Gout
  • Trauma and Fractures
  • Bursitis

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In the process of development of these conditions, the complex structures within the joint or surrounding it may get injured. For example, ligament tear, ligament injury, formation of knee spurs, etc. One of the common factors in all the above condition is Inflammation within and around the knee joint.

What increases the risk of developing Knee Pain?

  • Erratic use of the Joint
  • Lack of physical exercises
  • Being Over-weight
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Lack of Sun exposure


What symptoms should recognize?


  • Nature of Pain
  • Swelling
  • Warmth
  • Redness
  • Joint deformity
  • Stiffness

How do you Manage Knee Pain?

  • The first step is always prevention. Prevention is one of the Natural solutions for managing any health issue. Following a healthy lifestyle with holistic diet, good exercise regimen, optimum sun exposure, regular oil massages, healthy water drinking habits will keep your joints healthy and at the same time keep them strong.
  • Early recognition of symptoms will make the management easy and at the same time prevent complications.
  • Treatments- Conventional treatments methods for pain management like analgesics, surgery, Physiotherapy, Exercise therapy and Acupuncture Therapy are widely used.
  • Natural Solutions- Optimum sun exposure, holistic diet, oil application, Isometric knee exercises and strengthening exercises

Role of Acupuncture in Knee Pain

Description: Acupuncture treats knee pain | Jinhee Yoo Acupuncture | Midtown Manhattan |  NYC

Acupuncture especially based on Traditional Chinese Medicine has been promising in management of Knee pain.

  • Acupuncture reduces inflammation in and around the knee joint and thereby reduces the pain
  • Improves blood circulation and enhances joint nourishment
  • Stimulates the release of natural pain killers of the body locally
  • Reduces joint stiffness by relaxing the muscle
  • Improves the ligament health and therefore joint support
  • Delays aging of the joint

With Healthy lifestyle, with Natural healing solutions and therapies let us make sure to take care of our joint health.

Dr. Deepashree, BNYS, MSCCFT, Consultant, Anandamaya Wellness Center