Acupuncture Therapy for Frozen Shoulder
Acupuncture | Nov 01, 2021

Frozen shoulder, the name itself is scary and the suffering is much more difficult to imagine if we end up with this condition, right?

The name, Frozen shoulder explains what is this disease all about, isn’t it? Meaning, the shoulder gets frozen for various reasons leading to inability to move the shoulder joint which is most mobile joint of our arms responsible for several activities through the day. It also leads us to deteriorated quality of life and increases the dependence on others for our basic needs like bathing, dressing, eating, working and several other activities of our lives, right?

Now, let us understand what Frozen shoulder is, causes which leads to it, presenting symptoms and how to manage it naturally with acupuncture therapy….

What is Frozen shoulder?

Technically, in medical terminology Frozen shoulder is known as Adhesive Capsulitis. The shoulder is made of 3 bones namely the upper arm(humerus), shoulder blade (scapula) and collar bone(clavicle) in the form of a ball & socket kind of joint, covered with tissue to form a capsule. It is also filled with synovial fluid (a kind of body fluid) which helps to lubricate the joint facilitating it’s functioning.

When an inflammation strikes the shoulder joint for various reasons, it leads to adhesion of the capsule leading to the symptoms it presents with

Description: A Patient's Guide to Frozen Shoulder - Hand and Upper Limb Clinic

What are the symptoms of Frozen shoulder?

Presenting symptoms generally are pain, stiffness and difficulty or restricted movement of the shoulder joint.

It presents in 3 stages which are as follows

Freezing Stage

  • Pain is the presenting symptom during this stage with dull ache which shall get worse during nights.
  • Lasts usually for 6 – 9 months.
  • In terms of movements of the joint, there is limitation in the range of movement; even though you can move the joint to certain extent.

Frozen Stage

  • During this stage, generally the pains reduce but the stiffness of the joint can get worse with very limited movement possible in the joint.
  • Generally, lasts for 4 – 12 months.

Thawing Stage

  • Pains are almost very minimal.
  • The recovery of the frozen stage starts during this stage.
  • Shall take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years for this stage to get over.
  • The range of movement starts to improve to normalcy.

What are the probable causes of Frozen Shoulder?

The exact cause of the disease is not completely understood. It is generally seen that women have a higher tendency to suffer compared to men.

It is also observed in the following conditions:

  • Immobility during post-surgery condition
  • Diabetics have a higher chance of contracting this when compared to non-diabetics
  • Post Stroke immobility situation

How do we manage Frozen shoulder by Acupuncture therapy?

  • Acupuncture therapy is based on TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) philosophy and practiced since more than 5000 years in Eastern part of the world.
  • In an acupuncture session, very fine filiform needles are inserted on acu-points located on energy pathways called as meridians located all over the body symmetrically on either side of the human being.
  • The concept of disease in Acupuncture therapy is due to imbalance in the flow of energy called as ‘Qi’ (chi) or Prana in the meridians.
  • Imbalance of Qi could be due to either stagnation of the flow, deficiency, or excess Qi.
  • Acupuncture helps to bring about a state of balance in Qi leading to health & well-being.
  • According to TCM based acupuncture concepts, Frozen shoulder is generally due to stagnation of Qi in Lung or Large intestine or Small intestine meridians.
  • Acupuncture therapy shall help in reducing the stagnation and facilitating the smooth flow of Qi consequently leading to reduction of frozen shoulder symptoms of pain and stiffness.
  • Based on modern scientific explanation, acupuncture shall help in managing frozen shoulder by reducing the inflammation, increasing the neuro-transmitter levels like endorphins which shall reduce the pain and help with healing from within.
  • Acupuncture shall not only help with the pain management in a case of frozen shoulder, but it shall also help with increasing the range of movement by gradually reducing the inflammation.
  • The number of acupuncture sessions required varies from case to case and their history of the disease.
  • Kindly make sure to ask your acupuncturist to use single use disposable and painless acupuncture needles for safety and relaxed experience.

Description: Shoulder pain treatment - Torrance, CA - APMTorranceDescription: A person holding a syringe

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Dr. Gurudatta H K, BNYS - Founder, Anandamaya Wellness Center