Our Mantra For Natural Healing Solutions
Anandamaya Wellness Center Adopts The Vedic Wellness Concepts For Natural Healing Solutions
Natural Healing Solutions
We Intend At Restoring Homeostatic State Of Physical, Energetic, Emotional, Mental And Intellectual Sheaths Of The Human Being
Conditions We Treat?
We shall do a detailed assessment of your state of health & disease in terms of physical, energy, emotional and intellectual sheaths and explain how we can help your journey towards holistic health
Back Pain
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Stress Management
Pain Management
Cervical Spondylitis
Diabetes Mellitus
Disc Bulge
PCOS / Irregular or Painful Menstruation
Bell's Palsy / Facial Paralysis
Frozen Shoulder
What Makes Us Unique?
Your Path To Health & Happiness Starts Here
Anandamaya Wellness Center's Strengths?
  • Confidentiality of your information is maintained
  • Integrity and transparency in the services
  • Privacy during your consultation and therapy is followed
  • Affordable costs of the treatment
  • Health promotion and maintenance with natural medication without any adverse effects
  • Authentic and traditional healing methods to heal you from within.
  • Profound experience of 25 years in traditional system of medicine practice
  • Specialized consultations in Acupuncture, Acupressure, Naturopathy & Yoga therapy
Why Choose Naturopathic Therapies?
  • Naturopathic therapies are drugless and have very minimal adverse effects
  • Works with nature’s principles to activate your inner healing capabilities
  • Holistic and subjective to each individual
  • Prevention of ailments and maintenance of health is given utmost importance
  • Views health as a state of homeostasis and disease as imbalance of our physiological functioning
Why Choose Acupuncture Therapy?
  • An effective & integrative method of healing with other systems of medicine.
  • A popular and effective form of therapeutic tool across the world for its holistic approach
  • Drugless therapy with very minimal side effects
  • Very effective for pain management without any drugs
  • Brings in a state of homeostasis, heals us from within and balance our energies
Practice of Holistic Medicine!
  • Holistic medicine brings about a state of balance in our physical, breath and mental layers of being
  • Can be integrated with the conventional system of medicine to promote and maintain optimal health
  • Disease is viewed as a state of imbalance rather than an outcome of an objective cause.
  • Holistic medicine helps to heal us from within
We’ve Helped To Feel Better, Get Better and Stay Better
Now it’s Your Turn to Benefit From The ‘Anandamaya Experience’
Our Therapy Process
Let's Set the goal of holistic health, together. From assessment to treatment, we are with you in every step
  1. Book an Appointment

  2. In-Clinic / Online Consultation

  3. Get Personalised Treatment

  4. Journey to Recovery & Holistic Health

Health Blog
A Happier and Healthier 'You' Awaits Here
Natural Healing Solutions
Importance of HELIO THERAPY
Sunlight exposure is of prime importance for every human to have a state of complete health, physically, mentally and emotionally
Sep 01, 2024
Acupuncture (TCM)
Acupuncture and Its Effectiveness on Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS): An Evidence-Based Overview
Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder characterised by an uncontrollable urge to move the legs, usually due to uncomfortable sensations.
Aug 25, 2024
Acupuncture (TCM)
Acupuncture during Pregnancy & Labour
Acupuncture therapy can be a very good therapeutic tool to manage the difficulties during pregnancy holistically.
Aug 15, 2024
How Can We Help You?
Find answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Our Clinic functions between 9 AM – 1:30 PM and 2:30 PM - 6 PM from Monday to Saturday.

Yes, Anandamaya Wellness Center is a Naturopathy, Acupuncture and Yoga Therapy clinic wherein a client/patient is clinically diagnosed and educated about their health and disease and customised therapies are recommended and administered accordingly; unlike a Spa or Massage center that aims towards wellness and relaxation alone.

  • Naturopathic and Traditional Chinese medicine-based consultation (Online and Offline)
  • Natural Healing Solutions and Therapies
  • Counselling Services

Natural healing solutions are those remedies and therapies that are in tune with nature’s principles and have no harmful side effects on the body or the mind like holistic nutrition, sun exposure, healthy lifestyle, acupuncture, yoga therapy etc.

Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) based therapy that involves insertion of fine, sterile, single use disposable needles to specific points on the body in order to bring about healing effects in the body and relaxation of the mind.

Please refer to our Acupuncture section to understand in detail about Acupuncture.